In case you have lost your bank passbook or you want a new passbook for some reason, you will have to write an application to the bank stating the reason behind the issuance of the same. An application for a bank passbook is a type of formal letter, and to learn how to write one, go through the article and the sample letters given.
A bank passbook is a mini book provided by the bank which contains every record of the transactions made in the account. Generally, the bank holds the right and responsibility to provide the passbook while opening the bank account. A request for a new passbook can be made for two main reasons – all pages of the passbook have been filled or you lost/misplaced your passbook.
In the letter requesting for a new passbook, you will have to mention the reason behind your application clearly and provide the necessary documents for their reference. It is similar to a cheque book request letter.
The format of writing an application to the bank manager for a new passbook has been given below. Go through it and then check out the sample letters to understand clearly.
In case you are still confused about the format to be followed for writing an application for a new passbook, refer to the below-provided sample letters. The reasons can be changed as per your requirements but the format of writing the letter will remain the same.
Old Jayaram Building
Murugesh Palya, Bangalore
The Branch Manager
State Bank of India
Airport Road, Murugesh Palya
Subject: Request for issuing a new bank passbook
I am Prisha Marie, holding a current account in your branch with account number (mention your account number). I would like to bring to your notice that my bank passbook had been misplaced while I was travelling to my hometown. I am in need of a new passbook and so, I kindly request you to provide me with a new passbook for my account at the earliest.
Thanks in advance.
Account number – (Your account number)
Contact Number – 9999999999
#99, Sector B, Shastri Nagar
The Branch Manager
Shastri Nagar Branch
Subject: Request for issuing a new bank passbook
I am Divya Agarwal, holding a savings account in your branch, with account number (mention your account number). I would like to inform you that my bank passbook was updated last on 28th February, 2022, and now, I am running short of pages in my passbook. For this reason, I request you to kindly provide me with a new bank passbook at the earliest.
Thanks in advance.
Account number – (Your contact number)
Contact Number – 9999999999
An application for a new passbook to the bank can be written like other formal letters. It can be written as follows.
I am _____, holding a ___ account in your branch with account number ____. I would like to inform you that my passbook has been _____(reasons). I request you to provide kindly me with a new passbook. I shall be highly obliged if it can be resolved at the earliest possible date.
It is essential to write an application to the branch manager for issuing a new passbook because the bank shall need a written document stating that you need a new passbook.