Operating agreement for llc missouri template

Missouri LLC Operating Agreement document preview

What we’ll cover

What is a Missouri LLC Operating Agreement?

A Missouri LLC Operating Agreement is a legal document that outlines how a Missouri LLC will be run. Missouri LLC Operating Agreements list all LLC owners (known as “Members”), their contribution amounts, and their ownership interest percentages. They also establish the general operating rules of your LLC, including how voting will work, buy-out provisions, and the management structure.

When can you use a Missouri LLC Operating Agreement?

Is an LLC Operating Agreement required in the state of Missouri?

Yes, Missouri LLCs are required to have an Operating Agreement and this agreement (and all amendments to it) must be kept with the company’s records.

According to the Revised Statutes of Missouri, “The member or members of a limited liability company shall adopt an operating agreement containing such provisions as such member or members may deem appropriate [. ] The operating agreement may contain any provision, not inconsistent with law, relating to the conduct of the business and affairs of the limited liability company, its rights and powers, and the rights, powers and duties of its members, managers, agents or employees.”

Topics not expressly outlined in your Operating Agreement are governed by Revised Statutes of Missouri Title XXIII Chapter 347: Missouri Limited Liability Company Act (RSMo § 347.010 to 347.187).

Take the next step: Register your LLC now

Many business owners opt to register their LLC after creating an LLC Operating Agreement. If this sounds like you, Rocket Lawyer can make your next step easy.

With Rocket Legal+, you can get fast, personalized support to start your LLC. Your first registration is FREE*, and you can keep your LLC compliant with HALF OFF professional services for trademarks, taxes, and more. *See details