Google Scholar Citations is a tool that can be used to maintain a list of your publications. This list can be used to create a public profile of your research for sharing with others. It will also provide metrics for your publications such as citation counts, h-index, and i10-index.
For more detailed help with Google Scholar Citations, see the Google Scholar Citations Help page:
Once you have set up your profile, you will see citation metrics for the publications included in your profile to the right of your biographical information. You can hover over each metric for a pop-up explanation of how it is calculated.
You will need to a Google Account to use Google Scholar Citations. Once you have logged in to your Google Account, go to the Citations sign up form.
You can add your Drexel email address and Areas of Interest, but they are not necessary. It is important to include your full name as it will be used in the next step to find your publications.
The next step is to add your publications, which has been automated as much as possible. If you entered your full name, you should see a list of potential publications to add to your profile. You will see a few groups of publications based on alternate versions of your name.
After you have added all your publications, the last set is to set up automatic updates for your profile, or choose to review updates before they are included.
If there are any publications missing after set up, they can be added using the "+ Add" button at the top of your citation list. If citations are not being found manually, you can change the keywords in the search box to find other names or search terms. If the citation cannot be found using a Google Scholar search, it can be added manually.