B4: Subject-Verb Agreement, Indefinite Pronouns: When an indefinite pronoun serves as the subject of a sentence, you will often use a singular verb form. However, keep in mind that exceptions arise. See Writing for Success Section 2.2 pp. 59-60 or RULES 4 & 6 at the following: https://valenciacollege.edu/osceola/mainlab/documents/13RulesofSubject-VerbAgreement.pdf
-one, -thing, -body, each, either, and all (if it’s collective) are singular:
No one wants the leftover coleslaw, but everyone wants leftover cake.
Everything about the country fair reminds Sylvia of home.
Somebody I met last year just called my phone.
Each bottle of fireflies shines like a little lamp.
Either will work but neither looks very good.
All my heart for this organization is the best that I can give.
Some indefinite pronouns that define plurality are considered plural, i.e many or all (when not collective):
All are invited to the party at the end of the block.
Many in the class express relief when they hear there is no final exam.